
Roundtable: "Endgame Choices - How conflicted are we?"

19th of June 2024
Avida International Office, London, UK

There is huge potential for conflicts of interests in end-game advice and decision-making. How can we unearth, recognise and manage them, so that we can achieve the best outcomes for members?

Roundtable: ‘What do boards do well?  How can they improve? What can NEDs teach us about board effectiveness and culture?'

6th of March 2024
Avida International Offices, London, UK

Dramatised and parodied in popular culture, the board room is a mystical cauldron in which the fortunes of companies and the futures of their employees are decreed. Its secret goings-on determine whether we have jobs and drive the success of our economy. Board directors carry a weighty responsibility for delivering strategy, control and advice.

The topic was introduced by Avida’s Jenny Segal who, whilst summarising and synthesising the experiences of some 50 experienced directors,  showed what we can strive for to achieve the best of culture and effectiveness in board rooms.  


Roundtable with Probability & Partners: 'Risk Management at UK Pension Funds: Is it good enough?'

23rd of March 2023
The Wolseley

In conjunction with Probability & Partners' Pim Poppe and Ronald Sijsenaar, Avida International hosted an insightful roundtable on the importance of crisis management. 

The discussion revolved around the pitfalls faced by pension funds regarding their mindset on risk and the potential solutions to inspire vigilance.


Training session on crisis management: Crisis responsiveness and keeping trust with key stakeholders

8th of September 2022

We held an online training session on crisis responsiveness and maintaining trust with key stakeholders. We looked at crisis management theory and then best practice in crisis communication. We used a live example to test our participants current experience, since it in the training of a crisis situation where real resilience is grown.

Crisis management roundtable for financial service providers

20th of April 2022
Salters' Hall

On the 20th of April, Avida International and Strategia Worldwide organised a Roundtable on Crisis Management for investment organisations. What ensued was a fascinating discussion which looked specifically into the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and its wider impact on the investment sectors’ finances and operations, as well as its relationships with clients and stakeholders. This is a summary of the discussion.

Check out the summary of the event here:

Crisis management roundtable for pension funds

20th of April 2022
Salters' Hall

On the 20th of April, Avida International and Strategia Worldwide organised a Roundtable on Crisis Management for pension funds. What ensued was a fascinating discussion which looked specifically into the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and its wider impact on pensions funds’ finances and operations.

Check out the summary of the event here:

Do we need to wake up and smell the coffee when it comes to energy transition?

6th of April 2022

The energy crisis in Europe, due to the current geopolitical situation of Russia invading Ukraine, has shown the undeniable need for alternative energy solutions. Institutional investors have a clear role to play in this process, yet, many questions remain on the best approach investors can take in the climate space. 

This webinar explored different views on the most effective way to incorporate renewable energy solutions into an investor's approach, yet are all united by the belief that urgent action is necessary. 

Read our highlights here:

Roundtable on ESG data and reporting with Arabesque Asset Management

16th of November 2021

Avida International together with Arabesque recently had a roundtable on the pertinent topic of ESG and data reporting. The acceleration of ESG investing in the UK is a somewhat recent phenomenon, because of this there is still a lack of reliable data being reported. The question of how to implement effective data reporting was the main topic of discussion. 



The recent IPCC report was crystal clear: we can still avoid the worst of the climate crisis if we act now. With this in mind, investors will need to reconsider their investment portfolios, focusing even more urgently on those areas which yield the highest impact. 

This webinar looked into the viability of alternatives such as hydrogen, solar, clean fossil fuels, wind and biomass through the eyes of industry practitioners such as Stéphane Lamoine, CEO of Beam Earth, and large investors such as PGGM. 

Read the highlights here:

Sustainability at the Fiduciary Advisory Level webinar

28th of September 2022

We held a webinar on ESG incorporation in fiduciary management. It was a fascinating discussion and much was learnt by all.

Weniger ist mehr: Die Zukunft der Garantie in der bAV

26 NOVEMBER 2020

Kostenloses Webinar Weniger ist mehr: Die Zukunft der Garantie in der bAV. Zoom Webinar. Die aktuellen Herausforderungen von Beitragsgarantien in der bAV werden in unserem einstündigen Online-Event mit unseren Experten diskutiert und Lösungsansätze aufgezeigt.

OMFIF Global Public Pension virtual launch- The role of pension funds in the post-Covid recovery

19 NOVEMBER 2020

Avida's Sally Bridgeland will be a panelist at the OMFIF launch to discuss pension funds' strategies in the post-Covid era. Topics for discussion will be: 

  • Managing investment in times of volatility

  • Implications for ‘lower for longer’ measure

  • Best practice in divestment and rebalancing portfolios

  • Strategies and approaches to ESG portfolio integration

Public pensions are at the centre of changes in global finance, demographic transition and rising geopolitical tensions. The ongoing public health crisis and economic uncertainty have magnified the relevance of these issues, inevitably impacting the ability of pension funds to deliver on their obligations.

In 2019, public pension funds held $16tn in assets globally. As central banks around the world finance fiscal stimulus to offset economic collapse, pension funds will become an important buyer in the forthcoming wave of government debt issuance. Meanwhile, they will continue to face the challenges brought by rapidly aging populations and historically low interest rates. The search for yield will likely force pension funds into unfamiliar asset classes, a trend that has already begun but is expected to grow even more prominent.

Changes in the global investment landscape will also be driven by increasing public scrutiny of how pension funds meet environmental, social and governance objectives in light of their fiduciary responsibilities. As the desire for a ‘green recovery’ grows, pension funds will be under more pressure than ever to adopt responsible investment strategies. This launch aims to present the findings and review the issues covered in the publication.

The role of pension funds in the post-Covid recovery

19 November 2020

Avida's Sally Bridgeland will be part of a panel discussing the implications of Covid-19 on the strategy of pension funds.

Topics for discussion:

  • Managing investment in times of volatility

  • Implications for ‘lower for longer’ measure

  • Best practice in divestment and rebalancing portfolios

  • Strategies and approaches to ESG portfolio integration

    David Marsh
    , Chairman, OMFIF

Public pensions are at the centre of changes in global finance, demographic transition and rising geopolitical tensions. The ongoing public health crisis and economic uncertainty have magnified the relevance of these issues, inevitably impacting the ability of pension funds to deliver on their obligations.

In 2019, public pension funds held $16tn in assets globally. As central banks around the world finance fiscal stimulus to offset economic collapse, pension funds will become an important buyer in the forthcoming wave of government debt issuance. Meanwhile, they will continue to face the challenges brought by rapidly aging populations and historically low interest rates. The search for yield will likely force pension funds into unfamiliar asset classes, a trend that has already begun but is expected to grow even more prominent.

Changes in the global investment landscape will also be driven by increasing public scrutiny of how pension funds meet environmental, social and governance objectives in light of their fiduciary responsibilities. As the desire for a ‘green recovery’ grows, pension funds will be under more pressure than ever to adopt responsible investment strategies. This launch aims to present the findings and review the issues covered in the publication.

Mallowstreet digital indaba - opportunities in a COVID-19 world

21 July 2020

Avida's Sally Bridgeland and Bart Heenk presented the 10.45am session on 'Bottling the sense of crisis'. 


To find out more about the event please visit Mallowstreet.

How 'crisis proof' are your client relationships? (Avida client retention masterclass)

2 July 2020

This masterclass on maintaining client relationships in challenging times, featured Mr Martin Reeves, Senior Partner and Managing Director in the New York Office of BCG and Chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, BGC's think tank on business strategy.


To find out more about this event please click here

Mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable - Back to Business as Unusual?

June 2020

Please note this blog by Stuart Breyer is reproduced in full by kind permission of Mallowstreet. The original item can be found here

For this morning's digital roundtable we were joined by Bart, Sally and Paul from Avida International, who led a conversation and shared their insights as we explored what happens ‘next’. 

As we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel, the changes we have been planning for business post-coronavirus will need to be implemented. What will our operating environment look like? What are the key changes we are making? What lessons have we learned, and are there any areas we feel uncomfortable about?

It was an excellent roundtable, and the time flew by. Some of the key questions raised were:

  • By 2022, how much will the working world have changed?

  • What will be the role of committees going forward?

  • What are the aspects of effective chairing that can help pension funds have more efficient meetings?

  • How do you build new relationships in a digital world?

  • How do you onboard new joiners in a changed world?

  • Is there a responsibility to open the office to help mentor and train newer members of the team?

It was a fascinating and thought-provoking discussion. 

Managing through crisis (Avida online roundtable - session 5)

21 May 2020

This online roundtable focused on the people matters confronting leaders and the process challenges facing pension funds.


If you are interested in attending future events please email

Vertrouwen houden in onzekere tijden

12 May 2020

De Corona-crisis is een feit. De spanningen op het financiële vlak blijven toenemen. Onzekerheid lijkt het nieuwe ‘normaal’ te worden.


Hoe ga je daarmee om? Hoe zorg je dat je stakeholders vertrouwen houden in een aanhoudende crisis-omgeving? Hoe richt je organisaties zo in dat ze bestand zijn tegen steeds sneller opvolgende veranderingen? Hoe haal je het beste naar boven in je mensen en externe partners? 


Kom meer te weten.

Mallowstreet University Digital Roundtable - Good Leadership; Learning from the Crisis

May 2020

Please note this blog by Stuart Breyer is reproduced in full by kind permission of Mallowstreet. The original item can be found here


I recently had the pleasure of hearing Bart Heenk from Avida International and his team on a webinar and immediately thought to myself: these folks need to speak to the Mallowstreet community.

So two or three weeks later, we were lucky enough to be joined by the experts from Avida and Strategia Worldwide for a discussion about good leadership.

The hour flew by, and it was a fascinating discussion that covered a number of points: 

  • What do you need to have in place in order to lead effectively in a crisis?

  • What do you wish you had done before and what can you learn from previous mistakes?

  • Good leadership means having your house in order. Having ‘muscle memory’. Being resilient. Learning from this crisis to be better prepared for the next. Thinking strategically about the post-crisis situation.

 To help inform the discussion, we asked attendees in advance to submit their questions and top concerns. These included: 

  • How to keep my team motivated/ effective

  • Envisioning what the world would look like after the crisis

  • Funding gap/ratio, sponsor covenant

  • Liquidity (available collateral, cash, rebalancing, forced selling)

Discussions around the importance of each component of ‘ESG’ appeared. How are companies and organisations addressing the ‘E’, ‘S’, and ‘G’, and how is this impacting their reputation?

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted questions in advance and also during the discussion. 

ESG: box ticking or genuine impact? (Avida online roundtable)

21 April 2020

This online roundtable with Dame Elizabeth Corley, Chair of the Impact Investing Institute, looked at what ESG/impact investing really is and the practical side of integrating this into organisational and investment processes.


For more read our blog on:
ESG and the institutional investor


If you are interested in joining our event mailing list please email

Managing through crisis (Avida online roundtable - session 4)

17 April 2020

This online roundtable, including our crisis management partners Strategia Worldwide, focused on the strategic challenge facing leaders and the challenges facing organisations.


For more read our blogs on:

The COVID-19 generation of leaders

The COVID-19 organisation


If you are interested in joining our event mailing list please email

Managing through crisis (Avida online roundtable - session 3)

9 April 2020

This online roundtable, including our crisis management partners Strategia Worldwide, focused on the evolving leadership challenge and how to get through whilst keeping people engaged.


For more read our blogs on:

The evolving leadership challenge

Getting through whilst keeping people engaged


If you are interested in joining our event mailing list please email

Managing through crisis (Avida online roundtable – session 2)

3 April 2020

This online roundtable, including our crisis management partners Strategia Worldwide, focused on the role of the leader, planning for key person risk and taking advantage of potential investment opportunities


For more read our blogs on:

The importance of thinking the unthinkable

How do we keep it going?


If you are interested in joining our event mailing list please email

Managing through crisis (Avida online roundtable – session 1)

27 March 2020

This online roundtable focused on the challenges associated with managing our organisations in a home-working environment.


For more read our blogs on:

Managing a crisis – from your living room!

How can you help your clients right now?


If you are interested in joining our event mailing list please email

NEDonBoard Panel: Corporate Governance code

28 January 2020

Sally Bridgeland was a guest panel speaker at this event.

CIPFA Pensions Annual Conference

Date: 13 November 2019
Location: London

Bart Heenk spoke on the topic of "Growing your business starts with good governance". To see his presentation click here

Institutional Investor Summit: UK & Ireland

Date: 20-21 June 2019
Location: Syon Park

Sally Bridgeland was a co-speaker at this event, on the topic of “Is more governance good governance?” 

RI Europe 2019

Date: 11-12 June 2019
Location: London

Sally Bridgeland was one of the speakers in Plenary 5 on 12 June – “Larry Fink, CEO, Blackrock, said: “We are going to see evidence over the long term that sustainable investing is going to be at least equivalent to core investments. I believe personally it will be higher.” So, is responsible investment now core to running pensions and institutional capital? If so, how? And why aren’t more pension funds and investment managers doing it?”

Ausgewählte Themen des Kapitalmarkts und der Kapitalanlage

Date: 7 June 2019
Location: Berlin

Dorothee Franzen participated in this event by the Eberbacher Kreis.  

Aba Jahrestagung 2019

Date: 7-8 May 2019
Location: Bonn

Dorothee Franzen attended the annual meeting of the German pension fund association aba Jahrestagung in Bonn.

Avida hosts: Pooling risk management resources

Date: 26 March 2019
Location: London

Everyone understands the importance of good risk management, including the regulator. Developing risk assessments, having a solid risk policy and a governance framework around risk management are crucial for good member outcomes. But how does a pension fund attract top risk managers? Avida has frequently been asked these questions by our pension fund clients. Until now we never had an adequate answer. We now think that pooling risk management resources with other pension funds may be the way forward for those funds not able to employ a full-time chief risk officer.  


At this breakfast roundtable our specialists explored the pros and cons of sharing risk management resources with fellow pension funds and led a roundtable discussion. 


If you are a senior pension fund representative interested in attending our roundtables in future please contact


Date: 18-19 March 2019
Location: London

Bart Heenk attended this event on ‘Catalysing collaboration to solve complex problems in private markets’.

Social partner models now!

Date: 7 March 2019
Location: Berlin-Mitte

Dorothee Franzen attended this invitation-only event organised by the Eberbacher-Kreis.

PLSA Investment Conference

Date: 6-8 March 2019
Location: Edinburgh

UK and Ireland Alternatives Summit

Date: 30 January 2019
Location: Surrey

Bart Heenk is attended this event hosted by the Alternative Investments Institute.

Ortec Finance PEARL 8 Launch Event

Date: 27 November 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this event.

Mallowstreet University Dinner - Pioneers in Sustainable Investing: Integrating the UN Sustainable Development Goals into Investment

Date: 21 November 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this dinner.

Skagen Women in Finance Breakfast Roundtable

Date: 9 November 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this roundtable.

Current Investment Issues for Pension Funds

Date: 8 November 2018
Location: London

Sally Bridgeland was a panellist in the ‘Practical thoughts on driving an ESG agenda’ session at this SPS conference

International Women's Forum Ethical Leadership Seminar

Date: 1 November 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this seminar.

Strategia Worldwide reception

Date: 31 October 2018
Location: London

Bart Heenk and Simone Lavelle attended this event. 

UK & Ireland Institutional Forum

Date: 11 October 2018
Location: London

Bart Heenk and Simone Lavelle attended this forum. Simone also attended the International Women’s Forum dinner.

BMO Global Asset Management conference

Date: 9 October 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this conference.

Avida hosts: Crisis management for pension funds

Date: 25 September 2018
Location: London

This roundtable was organised together with Strategia Worldwide.  Sir Richard Shirreff  introduced the subject and discussed the importance of proper planning for crises. This was followed by a roundtable discussion and a blog arising from this can be found hereIf you are a senior pension fund director/trustee interested in attending our roundtables, please contact

12. Villa Mumm Konferenz: Investmentperspektiven und aktuelle Trends in der betrieblichen Zukunftsvorsorge

Date: 13 September 2018
Location: Kronberg im Taunus

Dorothee Franzen attended this event.

aba Fachtagung Aufsichtsrecht für EbAV

Date: 10 September 2018
Location: Königswinter

Dorothee Franzen attended this event.

State Street European Consultants summer drinks

Date: 10 July 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended these drinks.

International Women's Forum

Date: 3 July 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended the Rabobank event.

Goldman Sachs lunch

Date: 20 June 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this annual lunch focused on FTSE 350 research.

Avida hosts: Trustee Board and Investment Committee decision-making - what reporting support do you really need to be effective?

Date: 19 June 2018
Location: London

Peter Kolthof, Partner and Country Head for Avida International in the Netherlands, introduced the subject and discussed his extensive experience of best practice in decision-support reporting. He laid down some challenges about how trustees make use of an executive team and advisers. This was followed by a roundtable discussion and a summary can be found here.

BlackRock breakfast meeting

Date: 18 June 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this meeting on Chinese EQ.

UK and Ireland Summit 2018

Date: 14-15 June 2018
Location: Syon Park

Sally Bridgeland led a discussion on the use of factor investing on the first day of this summit.

aba Jahrestagung 2018

Date: 3-4 May 2018
Location: Berlin

Dorothee Franzen and Tim Juling attended the annual conference of the German pension fund association.

State Street Executive Women's Dinner

Date: 7 March 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this event.

Avida International Roundtable - DB pensions - a CFO's perspective

27 February 2018
Avida International Offices, London

On 27 February 2018, Avida International organised a breakfast roundtable on running DB pensions from a CFO’s perspective. Annemarie Straathof talked about the governance changes she, as CFO Europe for Rabobank, helped effect during the last couple of years at their UK pension fund. This was followed by a roundtable discussion.

Avida hosted: Running DB pensions - a CFO's perspective

Date: 27 February 2018
Location: London

Avida International organised a breakfast roundtable on running DB pensions from a CFO’s perspective. Annemarie Straathof talked about governance changes she, as CFO Europe at Rabobank, helped effect during the last couple of years at their UK pension fund.  This was followed by a roundtable discussion and a summary can be found here.

Morgan Stanley Ideas Conference 2018

Date: 21 - 22 February 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this event.

UK and Ireland Alternatives Summit

Date: 20 February 2018
Location: Bagshot

Bart Heenk attended this event.

Mercer's 2018 DB Roadshow - Finding Opportunities in a Volatile World

Date: 24 January 2018
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this event

I&PE Conference and Awards 2017

Date: 28 - 29 November 2017
Location: Prague

Paul Boerboom and Bart Heenk attended this event.

State Street European Consultant Conference

Date: 21 November 2017
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended this event.

Fiduciary Investors Roundtable for Collaboration & Partnership

Date: 3 November 2017
Location: New York

Bart Heenk attended this event.

The pinBox Washington DC Roundtable 2017 - Saving the Next Billion from Old Age Poverty: Global Lessons for Local Action

Date: 12 October 2017
Location: Washington DC

Dorothee Franzen spoke on Governance in the ‘Delivering Optimum Retirement Outcomes’ stream at this event.

11. Villa Mumm Konferenz: Investmentperspektiven und aktuelle Trends in der betrieblichen Zukunftsvorsorge

Date: 14 September 2017
Location: Kronberg im Taunus

Dorothee Franzen attended this event.

AllianzGI-Oxford Pensions Conference

Date: 11 - 12 September 2017
Location: Oxford

Dorothee Franzen and Paul Boerboom attended this conference on coping with disruptive change.

LGC Pension Fund Symposium

Date: 30 June 2017
Location: Stratford-upon-Avon

Sally Bridgeland participated in a Panel on Culture.

Mallowstreet Educational Summit

Date: 26 - 28 June 2017
Location: Castle Coombe

Simone Lavelle attended this event.

Avida Hosts: The Dynamic Executive Team vs. The Trustee Board

Date: 8 June 2017
Location: London

On some occasions the trustee board of a pension fund is bigger than the executive team, leading to more ‘managers’ than ‘doers’. At our most recent breakfast roundtable we considered what the right mix might be and how the governance model should work. If you are a senior pension fund director/trustee interested in attending our roundtables in future please contact

15th International Conference on Pensions, Insurance and Savings

Date: 23 - 24 May 2017
Location: Paris

Dorothee Franzen chaired the session on Financial Literacy.

Annual Conference of the German Association for Occupational Pensions

Date: 10 - 11 May 2017
Location: Berlin

Dorothee Franzen participated in this event.

TSAM: The Summit for Asset Management

Date: 15 March 2017
Location: London

Sally Bridgeland spoke at this event.

LGC Investment Seminar 2017 - Implementing the Changes

Date: 3 March 2017
Location: Chester

Sally Bridgeland spoke as part of a plenary on ‘What a pool will actually look like in the next 3/4 years according to experts outside the LGPS’.

Institutional Investor European Pensions Symposium

Date: 3 February 2017
Location: Munich

Sally Bridgeland was a panellist at this symposium focused on ‘Meeting long-term liabilities in an age of unpredictability’.

BlackRock 2017 Women in Finance

Date: 26 January 2017
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended BlackRock’s 2017 Women in Finance event.

BlackRock 2017 Investment Outlook

Date: 19 January 2017
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended BlackRock’s 2017 Investment Outlook.

SKAGEN conference - Emerging Trends in Global Investing

Date: 17 January 2017
Location: London

Simone Lavelle attended the SKAGEN Emerging Trends in Global Investing conference.

IPE Conference and Awards 2016

Date: 1 - 2 December 2016
Location: Berlin

Bart Heenk attended the IPE Conference and Awards 2016.

OPTrust Global Pension Leadership Summit

Date: 13 - 15 November 2016
Location: Toronto

Dorothee Franzen was a panellist on the ‘Collaboration in Theory and Practice Session’ at the OPTrust Global Pension Leadership Summit

Avida hosts: Crisis management for pension funds

Date: 13 October 2016
Location: Museum of London

Fire photo


In today’s world, pension organisations find themselves stretched across an increasing diversity of environments, which change faster and less predictably. Good crisis management and the ability to adapt have become key to success. There are some sectors where these skills are commonplace and pension fund can learn from them.


On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, and the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London, Avida International is therefore delighted to host a seminar on the importance of crisis management for pension funds.


General Sir Richard Shirreff, Deputy Supreme Commander of NATO Europe 2010-2014, will discuss his experience of how the military deal with crisis management. Martin Reeves, Senior Partner and Managing Director at the Boston Consulting Group’s New York office, Director of the BCG Henderson Institute and co-author of ‘Your Strategy Needs a Strategy’ (Harvard Business Review Press, June 2015) will discuss best practices in agile and adaptive organisations. Finally, Paul Boerboom and Sally Bridgeland of Avida International will discuss practical examples of risk management and the lessons that can be learnt by the pensions industry.


The event will be chaired by Professor Gordon Clark, Avida International Board member, Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford and renowned author on pensions governance.

  Reserve your place Updated programme Updated sponsors

Please note this is a registration only event – there is no fee to attend the seminar; however attendance will be limited to senior representatives from pension funds and corporate employers.

Allianz-Oxford Pensions Conference

Date: 29 & 30 September 2016
Location: Oxford

Paul Boerboom acted as commentator on the ‘New models of pension fund governance’ session at the 2016 Allianz-Oxford Pensions Conference.

IPE 360 London: Risk and Asset Allocation for European Pension Funds

Date: 9 & 10 June 2016
Location: London Stock Exchange, Paternoster Square

Bart Heenk chaired a panel discussion at the IPE 360 Conference on ‘Making outsourcing work: fiduciary management and other forms of investment strategy delegation’.

Avida hosts: Vertrouwen in onzekere tijden

Datum: Woensdag 1 Juni 2016
Locatie: Kasteel de Wittenburg te Wassenaar

De bijeenkomst is op uitnodiging toegankelijk voor vermogensbeheerders en bestuurders van pensioenfondsen.  Heeft u geen uitnodiging ontvangen maar wel belangstelling? Laat het ons dan weten.

  AANMELDEN Programma Avida Seminar Sponsoren Avida Seminar

Roundtable: Fees and Costs in Asset Management

Autumn 2015

Fees and costs are controversial issues in the investment industry. Steven Charlton, Aisha Dudhia, and Bart Heenk break down the key challenges in the discourse in the Autumn issue of Professional Investor. Bart Heenk: “The average pension fund trustee has limited insight into management fees and no idea of the true costs. This is largely because there is no attempt by the industry to provide clear and complete reporting. In fact most costs are, and remain, hidden unless you specifically ask for them.”