How do you reconcile energy security and energy transition?

Paul Boerboom, Apr 13, 2022 12:27:25 PM

Last week we hosted a webinar on energy transition and investing in the light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. We were delighted to have Anna Mikulska as our keynote speaker. 

Anna is a fellow at the Baker Institute, who advise the Biden Administration on energy policy. Anna shared her insights on the current geopolitical situation and its impact on energy security. 

You can find Anna's presentation and the Webinar Recording here. 

Key Insights 

One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG7) is to ensure that there is "clean and affordable energy" for all, as highlighted in the 2030 development agenda. The question is how best can this goal be met. One way to ensure affordable energy together with a growing demand for clean energy, is with more R&D and capital flowing into decarbonisation of fossil fuels as this combines the climate objective with energy security and hence affordability. Therefore, the focus should not be entirely on investing in renewable sources. After all, the goal of climate change action is not getting rid of fossil fuels per se and replacing them with renewable energies, the real goal is decarbonisation.  

How Avida can help your pension fund board

Avida International offers in-house educational sessions to educate pension fund boards to enhance their decision making on how to integrate energy transition components in their portfolio. 

Best practises regarding the following topics shall be dealt with: 

  • Including energy scenarios in long term asset allocation and portfolio construction 

  • How to ensure proposed deal sourcing to the investments to make a net impact 

  • How to deal with risks associated with energy transition 

  • How to monitor and distinguish between real and fake facts  

  • Questions trustees should ask their advisors 


If you would like to have a further conversation, then please get in touch. We would be more than happy to help! 

My email is: 

Alternatively, you can contact my colleague in the UK, Bart Heenk ( 

or my colleague in Germany, Dorothee Franzen ( 


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